April 2018 Meeting

Plenty of Exciting Daylilies and Iris at our April 14th Club Meeting!
The April 2018 club meeting took place at the Washington County Conservation Education Center at Marr Park near Ainsworth. After a delicious potluck lunch, President Keith Riewerts called upon members with last names beginning M-Z to tell us about their favorite/best 2017 daylilies. Then, Diann Pavelka gave us a presentation of the irises that she's ordering on our behalf. The meeting concluded with Jackie Westhoff's presentation of the 2018 Club daylily plants. A big Thank You goes to Jackie, Diann and LeeAnn Pisarik for assembling the PowerPoint presentations. Plant lists will be posted in a few days. Meeting minutes, kindly recorded by Nancy Rash, can be accessed here. Thanks, Lyle, for the super photos.
